terelj 1

terelj 1

Khagiin Khar Lake, formed during the Quaternary glaciation, is located about 50 km northeast of Terelj National Park. It is famous of its fresh water.  Belonging to Khentii Mountains, the lake lies at 1817 meters above sea level between the mountains of Khiidin Saridag, Khunkher and Asgat Saridag. It covers 2 kmarea. It is 2.5 km long and 1 km wide. The average deep of the lake is 11 m. The deepest point of the lake is 25 m. Fishing is ideal there, and we can catch plenty of carps. Lake Khagiin Khar is a remote lake hidden in the deep interior forests of the Khan Khentii Mountain. It is only Mongolian true wildness in the sense that it is completely devoid of people and domestic animals. It is a realm of wolves, moose, red deer, gazelle, wild boar, lynx and brown bear. It is very rare to see any people during the journey in this area.

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